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Patti Doney and Dan Brown


Last Summer - Key West, FL

After leaving Heritage we have been to many places and different occupations, but always with our memories of the class of 74.

The year 75 found us in Willow Creek, Calif as a store Clerk/Manager for a year. then onto Hanford and Redlands Calif for a stint as a Paperboy from '76 thru '88. Patti was in a few different positions but mostly raising 3 boys (2 sons and me). She was also the Director of a non profit Health Organization in Yucaipa, California, only a few miles from the old Church camp.

In 89 I changed positions and eventually locales as I became a Sales Manager for a magazine distribution company (ARAMARK) moving to Eugene Oregon in 93. In this position I was able to travel the Pacific Northwest as well as Alaska . Patti was a Manager for a UPS store until she could not take the physical stress anymore ( I supplied all of the mental stress).

We left alot of freinds in Eugene in 02 to move to Payson Az to be closer to Patti's parents and our eldest son in Chandler, AZ. The move also has helped with Pattis condition as the warmer climate helps the old bones.

I am currently managing a storage facility and dealing Blackjack and Pit Boss at the local Indian Casino. This latter job is probably the best I have had, due to the people I work with and the fun we bring to others. What a blast.

Our 2 boys Michael 28, and Kevin 27, both graduated from Liberty U on baseball scholarships after pretty good high school careers in Calif. Michael went on to play 1 year of pro ball before joining the ranks of Scouting with the Kansas City Royals. Kevin is a high school baseball coach in Lynchburg , Va and has taken a perrenial losing program to the State finals in his second year at the helm. But his real job of course is as a World History teacher.

Both boys have followed in the old mans footsteps as they have both married well above themselves as shown in the enclosed pictures. Allison and Beth make our family complete for now.

                            Michael and Allison


Kevin and Beth                                

We are both looking forward to our class reunion, where we will get to see our ooooold !!!!!friends, as well as our 30th anniversary cruise to Alaska a few weeks after the reunion. Anyone want to join us for a week in Alaska?

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