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Andy Dieter


I entered Heritage High in the middle of my 10th year. Cindy Owens, within the first week, asked me if I had accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior. I answered, "yes" because it seemed like the right answer. The reality of that answer occurred July 21, 1974 ... after graduation!

Trivia ... When we, as Juniors, stole the "Senior Sign" - it was in the trunk of my/our car for several days.

I started Pacific Coast Baptist Bible College in January of 1975 and graduated in 2002! (It took awhile.)

I was married June of 1978, to who was, and remains, the exact representation of Eve in the Garden of Eden!

I love a good game of volleyball and have played in a recreational and competitive (co-ed) league off and on over the past 10 years.

I enjoy the activities of fishing and camping with family and friends, although I like the solitude of doing it alone from time to time.

I became a private pilot in 1989, which was a life-long aspiration.

My favorite Psalm is the "long one" ... the119th. It was always a chore to get through that one but one day, some years ago, I finally got to the last verse and told myself, "This is the first verse that I can relate to!" The honesty and humility of that last verse has captured that entire Psalm for me. It has been a GREAT catch for me.

My first child came on New Year’s Day of 1980 ... the labor went about 24 hours, which I coached as well as the circumstances would permit. We named her Larae Faith.

Jennifer Joy came along 19 months later. Both daughters have exemplified their middle names.

We’ve lived in Southern CA ... El Monte, an unincorperated area of Ontario, then Montclair for 25 years ... and now we live in the town of Castle Rock, Colorado! My wife was raised in CO, so her side of the family is here.

I’m in a new career of treating water for public consumption. My first employer lasted 25+ years working with polystyrene food service containers in Fullerton, CA ... then was laid off. I went to a division of Coca-Cola manufacturing 2 liter, 20 oz. ½ liter, etc. PET bottles. Then I went to a chemical laboratory ... remember chemistry with Mr. Wilks?? ... all I remember is the “activated-complex” graph ... (go-figure). Anybody else remember that ... if you do, you’re probably smiling. My last employer here in CO was Insituform Technologies rehabilitating underground pipe (sewer, storm drains etc.) without digging it up. I’m loving this current water treatment employment in that it is technical and analytical with challenging process conditions that are a great fit for what makes me tick.

As with others in the class ... if you’re in the area ... you must stop by for a meal or spend a night or two with us. Castle Rock is located south of Denver about 20 minutes.

Please feel free to e-mail me or phone me at home, anytime.

It was great speaking with some of you at the reunion via Dr. Lawrence’s cell phone.

This is the view from our Townhome


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