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L. Dieter


pic of the fam: me, Matt (23) and Kath

I grew the beard while Kath was preg. 24 years ago and have gotten way more compliments with than without, so I've kept it......except for shaving it after 5 years of Kath questioning it (and why i didn't get her permission in the first place)....well I had less than half of my face shaved and she told me to put it back.

This year, Kath is a school bus driver (her occupation changes every couple of years). We got married 3 weeks after Andy and.....26 years this week, ya, we cannot believe it either "you're still here?!" "We're still here?!!!"

Matt is our only child, but we did raise Kath's two nephews, Michael and John, for about 5 years. They were both deployed in Iraq for a year and doing fine.

I went to chiropractic college, took the scenic root and graduated in '89, moved to the central coast - San Luis Obispo-los Osos-Morro Bay area. A great place to raise a child that is part mountain man........ At fourteen after a hike near the house, he returns and shares that he caught a rattle snake..... I really hated to ask the next 2 questions, but had to..... "Just how...did you catch the rattle snake? .......and where is it now?

In 1994 Kath co-signed for her nephew to buy a 500cc motorcycle....... and 3 months later repossessed it for lack of insurance... long story-- short: They haven't seen me since, putting 30k miles a year on it, actually I'm on my 3rd motorcycle: fzr 600 crotch rocket.

We spent 2 years in New Zealand and Australia, returned summer of 2001. While waiting for my license in N.Z., Matt and I worked as laborers on a 7 story construction site overlooking the America's Cup Village. I never really got comfortable driving on the wrong side of the road, got in two accidents (neither my fault or too traumatic, really). What do you call a Toyota panel van with over sized bumpers? An armored car, of course.

Matt and our adopted australian daughter, Allana.


riding buddy


Too much junk in the trunk?


Ingredients: 1 large lime, 1 very patient cat,
1 person with way too much time on his hands

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