What Have I Been Doing for the Past 30 Years?
After college, I taught school for a year in Pomona. I
met Mark (who was teaching there too) and we were married
in 1979. Jenni was born the following year. Mark taught
and coached for a few years, was administrator of the school
for a few years, served on the church staff as Administrative
Assistant for a few years and was a Senior Pastor for a
few years.
In 1992, we moved to Prescott, AZ where Mark pastored the
Alliance Bible Church. It is a beautiful place to live,
climate-wise... Did you ever go to camp in Southern CA?
Living in Prescott was like living at camp all year round...
Pine trees and blue skies... a little snow in the winter...
moderate temperatures... Monsoons in the summer... We could
even hear dinner bells from the camps that were in the same
neighborhood as our church and parsonage. We had 5 kids
when we moved to Prescott and had our 6th while we were
After living in Prescott for 6 and a half years, we moved
to Kodiak, Alaska (about 6 years ago...), where Mark is
pastoring the Kodiak Bible Chapel. It has been a great move
for our kids. Kodiak is warmer than mainland Alaska in the
winter, but also cooler in the summer, so we consider 70
Our daughter, Jen (23) got married in 2003. She and her
husband have just moved back to Kodiak (May, 2005), after
graduating from UAA. Yay!!

All of the kids- August, 2003
Luke (20) is a civilian fire fighter for the Coast Guard,
here in Kodiak. He works 24 hours on, 24 hours off and gets
paid overtime for playing X-box and sleeping. He does wish
he lived somewhere where there were a few more fires to
fight and where there are a few more waves to surf!

Mark, Luke and Susan- March, 2004
Nathan (18) just finished his first year of
college at Moody Bible Institute in Chicago. He really enjoyed
his year. He'll be working here this summer to help pay
for his next year. He's majoring in ministry and minoring
in music and languages.

Nathan- May, 2004
Aaron (15) enjoyed his first year of high school (2004-2005).
He broke his leg in February, about 3 weeks after getting
his driving permit. He'll be going to Anchorage this summer
to work with a team that does Vacation Bible School in some
of the mainland Alaska churches. He plays the bass guitar
for our church services.

Aaron- June, 2004
Caleb (12) is a good student and fun to home school. He
and Kristin have been each other's best friends and worst
enemies. Caleb loves to be outside. He's looking forward
to advancing to junior high this summer because he wants
to be in Luke's junior high youth group on Tuesday nights.

Kristin (9) is our "baby". She's a dizzy blonde
in every sense of the word, but very sweet and fun to have
around. She is very distractable when it comes to school.
Easter, 2004
Besides pastoring, Mark is into woodworking. He has built
a lot of our furniture. He just finished an entire kitchen
for Jen's inlaw's new house.
I enjoy computers, web-design, desktop publishing, quilting,
reading, family stuff and church ministries (not necessarily
in that order...). I cook, clean, chauffer, referee, comfort,
chastise, exhort, etc... All the "mom-stuff".
If you want to see more pictures, you can
visit our family website at: www.awebmaster.com/swebspace/goodfriends
