Hi everyone, man back in school I used
to think time went by sooo slow and I can remember my mom
saying, one of these days you’ll wake up and wonder
what happened to the years. I guess I woke up, 30 years
went by pretty fast.
After high school I worked with my dad in his ornamental
iron/welding business. We built stair railings, fencing,
gates and whatever else people wanted. I feel we contributed
greatly to the Southern Calif. housing industry during the
time we were in business, from 1962-1997. I say 1962, that’s
when he opened the business, I was working summers all through
junior- senior high school. We worked all over the southland.
In 1997 I went to work for a maintenance company, doing
various welding repairs, again all over the southland. I
worked for them for four years.
Since 2001 I’ve had the privilege to be a caregiver
for my parents. They have both passed on, my mom in 2002
and my dad this past April. I’m glad I had them with
me for these past three years. I wouldn’t have traded
them for anything.
I guess I’m one of the few that stayed in this area.
I went from Fullerton to Yorba Linda to Corona, where I’ve
been since 1989. In 1997 I met my wife Mary. We’ve
been happily married for five + years. She has a 25 year
old son Israel, along with our three cats. Right now I’m
sort of remodeling the house we’re in now. We’ve
been here since 2002 and where we’ll be until we retire.
Wow, thirty years does go by quickly. It will be great
to see everyone again. Now if I can only find a good photo
of the both of us.