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Cindy Owens


Past 30 years huh? The condensed version.

Went to college in Minnesota after high school. Got a chance to go to Brazil for 6 weeks through the college.

Married Jerry Harris in 1977. Had Ruth Anne in 1978. Elizabeth in 1980. Moved between Calif and Minn for Jerry to finish school and intern to be missionaries in Portugal. God changed all that and we moved back to Texas in 1984. Six months later, Jerry was drowned in a boating accident.

Married Mike O’Toole in 1985. Had Heather in 1986, Daniel in 1987 and Sarah in 1989. So far, we’re batting four red heads and one blonde. Found out Mike was a bad guy and left Texas in Dec. 1989.

Moved to Or because we had come into contact with some Christians there. Had been trying to sell and move to Salem for about 6 months already. Lived here with all five kids by the grace of God.

Married Mark Mitchell in 1996—Great Day!! Had Melissa in 1997and Christopher in 2000. One brunette mix—have to pay bucoo bucks to get hair with as many streaks as hers. And Christopher who is light brown with red lights.

Now have Ruth Anne married to Josh Heneveld. Heather is married to Kenny Anderson. Liz is in the Air Force finishing off year 6 this Dec.—Then moving back by Mom I hope. I am rich in friends and family. No grandkids yet, but I know I’ll get some sometime—can’t wait!!

Growing in faith and confidence in God’s love and care for us. The future is so bright and when I hear from everybody, it strengthens me to see how God has cared for us over all these years.

Our newest addition- January, 2006

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