Dana Hills High School

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Robin Ryan



Wow, it seems like so much has happened since HS days. I guess that is the way it will be in heaven when we look back at our life. It will seem so long ago and distant, a vague memory.

I graduated from Dana Hills High School in 1974, (sorry), and received my nursing degree from Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff. Robin Newman went with me and we roomed together our first year there.
I have worked as a part time and full time nurse for the past 25 years, taking 4 years off while our kids were young.

I married an incredible man, John, in 1979 who is so wise and kind and who is approaching his 30th year working for IBM.! We have enjoyed ministry in our church together over the years and look forward to more ministry ahead, as well as travel, retirement, etc.

Our son Drew, is 22 and is going to be a senior at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. His major is Industrial Technology, loves extreme sports, and has a new passion for ministry with Campus Crusade for Christ. He is thinking about going on staff when he graduates and will probably be “popping the question” to his girlfriend, Kathryn, in the next year.

Paige is our 20 year old daughter who is an artist and musician. She will have to make some career choices soon, but for now is enjoying both creative outlets. She recently spent a semester in Florence, Italy at an art school and loves to travel and have adventures. She plans to finish her AA degree in pictoral art this fall, take time out to record a CD, and live for a while with friends in Nashville. She has an incredible heart for the Lord and seeks his will in her life.

Our youngest, Brynn, is 16 and loves animals and her friends. She spends a lot of time at the beach surfing and has just become a new driver. She has a lot of growing up to do yet, but we are excited to see were God takes her.

Well, besides keeping up with our kids and family, I do enjoy, gardening and decorating, and staying physically active.

Greetings to all who did not make it to the reunion. It was fun to catch up. No one has changed much!!
Robin (Ryan) Aufhammer

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