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Debbie Willard

The last 30 years, wow! Having weathered some severe storms, I can only say thanks to the Lord for His steadfast love and care. I am currently very, very happily married to Steve and we live in Vista (Northern San Diego County). We were married in January of 1998 after I spent 8 years as a single parent.

My three kids are the joy and delight of my life. Doug (27) is married to Jodie and they have our adorable and enjoyable granddaughter, Johanna (17 months). They live in North Carolina where Doug has just finished his masters in Theology at Duke University. Jodie will finish her masters in Divinity at Duke next semester. They both plan to pursue their doctorates.

Jeff (25) is about to be engaged to Cynthia (wedding tentatively planned for Spring, 2005). He will be finishing his B.A. in Geology/Geography at Humboldt State this coming semester. He plans to pursue a masters in G.I.S. at San Diego State. Cynthia has a degree in Psychology.

Stephanie (23) lives near Boston where she runs a business, enjoys traveling, and her dog.

After 10 years in the legal field, I "retired" to take literature and writing classes at our community college. Although I enjoyed my work as a paralegal, it is high stress field. Prior to my legal work, I taught business and typing (pre-computers) to junior high and high school students at a Christian Schools for 10 years in the San Fernando Valley.

Steve runs his own business, accounting and tax services for small businesses. We also have a small antique business which we thoroughly enjoy. (An excuse to go shopping!!) Steve and I have served in various ministry positions together and separately. Missions, men's and women's ministries, and music have been our main focus. We began attending a new church in December. Although we are currently taking a much needed break, we will soon be back to work in another exciting ministry.

I have included a picture with my mother. Many of you knew her (or had her for a teacher). She is celebrating 50 years of teaching this summer. She has retired twice and hated it. She currently tutors ESL students and loves her role as grandmother and great gr andmother.

Thanks be to God who always leads us to triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place (II Corinthians 2:14).

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